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Inviting people on a journey of belonging through hospitality


Community Sundays

We meet in homes across Manchester to build community, explore scripture and discover God’s love for the world.

Table MCR

There’s a seat for you at the table!

For 18-30s Manchester with socials, food and activities in homes and restaurants.

Forest Church

Once a month gathering outdoors to connect faith and nature. Children friendly with a short walk.

What people think of The Journey…

I’ve found a sense of spiritual refreshment in this community, largely thanks to the space for questioning and the creative expression of one’s faith.
— Sam, student
The value placed on holistic health and wellbeing is huge. Community is not a metaphor and I like that we take that seriously.
— Josh, University lecturer
The Journey is a place we can be where we don’t have to put on a mask - we can be honest about how we are doing without being judged.
— Yan, Gaming entrepreuner
I love seeing how a diverse community can gather around the gospel and learn, share and journey together with everyone having a voice.
— Cat & Yan Loetzer

Read our last teachings


Church is about
People and Community


Visit us

If you have any questions about our community feel free to email thejourneymcr@gmail.com

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